Inter-governmental international body working exclusively for the conservation of Tigers in the wild. Utilizing co-operative policies, common approaches, technical expertise, scientific modules and other appropriate programmes….

Eliciting Support
Eliciting support from Governments, Inter- governmental organizations and individuals
Conservation of Globally Significant Wild-Cat Landscape Through Focus on Small Cats and Leopard
There are forty-one wild Cat species that occur globally, inclusive of big cats namely tiger, leopard, snow leopard and small cats viz. marbled cat, clouded leopard, golden cat, fishing cat with overlapping habitat. Small cat species are keystone species which underpin the integrity of big cat conservation efforts and help to maintain large natural ecosystems. The varied distribution of the species inside and outside protected areas entails a broader landscape approach for undertaking conservation for such species. In the recent times, increasing threats to the small-cat species are in the form of habitat degradation and fragmentation, poaching and illicit wildlife trade and other anthropogenic and stochastic factors. Hence, it is imperative to invest in focused conservation efforts toward the small cats. With this in mind, Global Tiger Forum in collaboration with UNDP and WWF, is investing in conservation expertise for small cats through the GEF Funded project titled: Strengthening Conservation and Resilience of Globally Significant Wild-Cat Landscapes through a Focus on Small Cat and Leopard Conservation.
More Details about the project can be found here.
GTF Updates

Addressing Tiger Conservation in High Altitude Tiger Landscape: Sikkim
The high-altitude landscapes have been serving as critical habitat for many wildlife species, however very little is known about tigers in these landscapes especially in Sikkim. The tiger has been categorized as “Endangered”...
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Bhutan-India-Nepal transboundary meeting on small wild cats
Under the ongoing GOI-GEF project titled “Strengthening conservation and resilience of globally significant wild cat landscapes through a focus on small cat and leopard conservation”, a two day transboundary meeting was con...
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Investigating and Addressing Tiger Conservation in Sikkim
The state of Sikkim, characterized by a wide variety of ecosystems, ranging from sub-tropical forests to alpine meadows, is one of the most significant biodiversity hotspots, harbouring a diverse array of wildlife. Recent...
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1st SPSC meeting of the GEF Small Wild Cats project convened at Itanagar on 25 August 2023.
The 1st State Project Steering Committee meeting for implementation of the GEF-funded GoI-UNDP-WWF-US-GTF project titled “Strengthening conservation and resilience of globally significant wild cat landscapes through a focus ...
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Press release – International Tiger Day 2023
Wild tiger numbers have registered an overall increase in several tiger range countries (almost 5574). The status is optimal in tiger range countries of South Asia, with India and Nepal having doubled their tiger numbers (Tx2...
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Global Tiger Recovery Program 2.0 (2023-34)
Global Tiger Recovery Programme 2.0 was released at Thimphu on 29 July International Tiger Day by H.E. Tandin Dorji, Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Royal Govt of Bhutan. Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTR...
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Malaysia launched 1st Tiger Reserve of South-East Asia
King of Malaysia, Al-Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah launched the first ...
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National Tiger Survey Report (2021-22) launch – Status of Tigers in Bhutan
The Department of Forests and Park Services will be releasing it's tiger p...
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Webinar on Implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration & Emerging Issues
A webinar on "Implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration and Emergin...
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