The Amur Tiger Center has become the official representative of Russia in the GTF on 11 July 2019. The decision was made by the standing committee of the GTF.
The “Amur Tiger Center” is an autonomous non-commercial organization established for preservation and researching the Amur tiger population. It was founded in July 2013 by the Russian Geographic Society at the initiative of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
Aim of the Amur Tiger Center:
- Researching the Amur tiger
- Preserving and increasing the population
- Establishing, harmonized relationship
“Russia is an important tiger range country and has a long-standing successful track record of wild tiger conservation. The Amur Tiger Center of Russia has evolved as a center of excellence, providing valuable insights for the Amur tiger in-situ conservation. The Global Tiger Forum is delighted to welcome the Amur Tiger Center as its member and look forward to a great collaboration with Russia for strengthening the tiger cause through exchange of good field practices, knowledge sharing for active management to strengthen tiger prey base and related research”
– Dr. Rajesh Gopal, Secretary General, GTF
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