GTF Updates

Indo-Myanmar Transboundary consultation

Under the ongoing USAID-WCT-GTF engagement for strengthening conservation efforts in Tiger Range Countries, a trans-boundary consultation between India and Myanmar on addressing illegal wildlife trade and trafficking was held on 6 and 7 December 2018 at Hotel Royal Plaza, New Delhi. The meeting was attended by representatives from Indian and Myanmar Government agencies, including Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division (Myanmar), Myanmar Police, Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (India), National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), and Wildlife Institute of India. Additionally, senior officials from conservation agencies, such as WWF, WCS and TRAFFIC participated in the said consultation.

The meeting focused on discussions pertaining to the latest bilateral MoU between India and Myanmar on combating timber trafficking, tiger and other wildlife conservation. Representatives from both the Governments agreed to expedite the signing of this MoU in order to formalize joint action on addressing illegal trafficking. The two-day consultation included presentations on country level wildlife trade status, international ramifications, trans-border trade hotspots, modus operandi of wildlife crime, species recovery, and advanced technology for protection.

Based on the inputs from each agency, the Global Tiger Forum presented a set of recommendations highlighting immediate and long-term goals towards addressing wildlife trafficking and joint action between India and Myanmar, including development of a regional project for the Htamanthi – Naga Hills transboundary landscape.

The participating agencies also proposed to develop an action plan for streamlining data sharing, species in trade and their recovery, gap analysis, multi-tier and multi-department capacity building and initiating a dialogue with the heads of state and concerned ministries for generating political will and support to reduce poaching and trafficking of wildlife.