
To highlight the rationale for Tiger preservation, provide leadership and utilize a common approach throughout the world in order to safeguard the survival of the Tiger, its prey and its habitat.


  1. Promoting global campaigns to save the Tiger, its prey and its habitat.
  2. Increasing the number of secure habitats for Tigers.
  3. Promoting comprehensive legal frameworks for Tiger conservation.
  4. Providing financial and infrastructural capabilities for Tiger Conservation.
  5. Promoting training and research.
  6. Eliciting support from Governments, Inter- governmental organizations and individuals.
  7. Promoting bilateral co-operation.
  8. Establishing a trust fund to enable the implementation of agreed programmes.
  9. Calling upon Range Countries to prepare and update their National Action Plans for Tiger conservation.
  10. To urge countries to enter into relevant conventions for conservation and elimination of illegal trade.